Technical Training

It is not just businesses that are learning to compete in the new digital economy but governments as well! The GEO-CODES training courses are for anyone who wants to learn about IT and how it can transform the business in different industries. Our courses are carefully designed and delivered tackling complex topics in simple and practical ways. They are most suitable for Technology enthusiasts, business leaders and everyone in between. GEO-CODES also offers one-hour webinars covering a wide range of current modern industry topics.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence: The Artificial Intelligence Analyst training course prepares the trainee to apply AI concepts to build real-life solutions. This training course introduces the trainee to the concepts of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, NLP, and chatbots. Machine Learning: The Machine Learning Specialist training course prepares the trainee to apply different Machine Learning techniques associated with supervised Machine Learning models and teaches them how to solve real business problems.Predictive Analytics and Data Mining: The Predictive Analytics and Data Mining courses will prepare you for a new career path! This course prepares the trainee to solve a business problem improving business outcomes through predictive analytics techniques.


 Cloud Computing: The trainee will understand the concepts, characteristics, delivery models and benefits of Cloud Computing.Edge Computing: The trainee will explore frameworks, and applications in Edge Computing, with a focus on big data analytics.

Application Development

Web Development: The web development training course introduces the trainee to either front end or back end development.

It teaches them to build real-life web solutions. Mobile App Development: Mobile app development courses will help you learn to apply core Java programming languages features & software patterns needed to develop maintainable mobile apps.

Learning to build your own mobile app can help you save costs specially if you are thinking about building your own startup company or simply want to start a new career as a freelancer.